8-13 January– Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas – Universidade da Beira Interior | Covilhã | Portugal 





   Monday 08 January   Monday 09 January   Wednesday 10 January   Thrusday 11 January   Friday 12 January  
9h30     Maria do Castelo  724 Victor Moutinho 724 Daniel Santin 724 Giovanna D’Inverno 724
11h00 Open Event 724 Carla Henriques 724 Victor Moutinho 724 Daniel Santin 724 Giovanna D’Inverno 724
11h30 Carla Henriques 724 Ana Camanho 727 Luis Marques 724 Victor Moutinho 724 Giovanna D’Inverno 724
13h30 Maria do Castelo 724 Herminio Vilarinho 727 Luis Marques 724 Victor Moutinho 724 Giovanna D’Inverno 724
13h30 Lunch   13-14 Lunch 13-14 Lunch 13-14 Lunch 13-14 Lunch
14h30 Carla Henriques 724 Ana Camanho 724 Daniel Santin 726 Giovanna D’Inverno 724 Closed Event 724
16h15 Maria do Castelo 724 Herminio Vilarinho 724 Daniel Santin 726 Giovanna D’Inverno 724    
16h30 Maria do Castelo 724 Ana Camanho 724 Daniel Santin 726 Giovanna D’Inverno 724    
18h30 Carla Henriques 724 Herminio Vilarinho 724 Daniel Santin 726 Giovanna D’Inverno 724    


Course Instructor –University of Pisa -Italy

· Giovanna D’Inverno Departamento de Economia e Gestão, Universidade de Pisa, Itália. https://people.unipi.it/giovanna_dinverno/

· ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9738-4121¸ Scopus Author ID: 57192987960


QUantitative Methods for Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (QUMEPA)

Course description and objectives

  • The aim of this course is to introduce basic concepts of efficiency and productivity measurement for performance evaluation in different disciplinary areas.
  • This course focuses on nonparametric techniques designed to measure the efficiency of decision-making units and to capture the multifaceted aspects of performance evaluation in the construction of composite indicators. The course will introduce these techniques through theory, examples, and practical applications in different areas including (but not limited to) management, organization, renewable energy and environmental sustainability. Furthermore, the course will show how to implement the empirical analysis through softwares (R and/or Matlab), specific packages and codes.


Course Program

Lectures will be held in English and will have a duration of 3hrs each.


# Date Lecture topic Notes

1 Introduction to efficiency and productivity measurement. Data Envelopment Analysis

2 Illustrative examples and practical session in Data Envelopment Analysis Applications on management and education

3 Construction of composite indicators. The “Benefit of the Doubt” approach

4 Illustrative examples and practical session for the construction of composite indicators Applications on organization and environmental sustainability


The analysis of economic efficiency plays a crucial role in economic activities. It is almost impossible not to discuss economic efficiency in today’s world. Deciding how much to produce or consume in an economy or organisation is a challenging decision, given the limited resources. Therefore, the analysis of efficiency becomes increasingly important. Additionally, economies and organisations need to optimise their inputs and outputs when their decision-making demands it. This requires finding the best combinations to ensure “optimal” economic efficiency.

This winter course aims to make a significant contribution to learning about the analysis and evaluation of economic efficiency, specifically focusing on the methods of Data Envelopment Analysis and Stochastic Frontier Analysis. Participants will delve into their formalisms, applications, and recent developments, enabling a better understanding of how to assess and enhance economic efficiency.

The Winter School aims to provide participants with an opportunity to acquire in-depth and excellent knowledge on the topic of Economic Efficiency: Methods and Applications in various economic sectors.

The main objective is to create a national and international, interdisciplinary environment for research exchange, fostering new scientific works on the subject. Additionally, the Summer School will contribute to the following objectives:

  • Expand the scope of existing university programs.

  • Develop networking opportunities for graduate students, researchers, including early-career scholars, and technical personnel in organisations.

  • Encourage the establishment of an interuniversity network focused on the specific topic of this Summer School.


The Winter School will take place in the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Department of Management and Economics – Covilhã, Portugal

Organising Commission